Ice Age: Collision Course Kd 2016 Movie
PROSTITUTE persecuted elusive acorn in the heroic and cast it into him the world, triggered a series of things in the world in which per accidens, which is in the world, threaten, and to change in the Ice Age. To escape Sid, Manny Diego, and all the congregation of the comedy, and travel to a new adventure to leave home and start his business penuhdengan exotic colorful and the new the face of a lot of acquaintance.
Manny and Sid Antonio joined a meteor strike Buck, to destroy it Etmundi.
Directed MaykThurmeier, Galen T. Chu
Author: Thomas Wilson (screenplay)Michael Berg (screenplay)
Stars: Ray Romano, Denis Lyra, John Leguizamo
Genre: Animation | Adventure | Comedy | home | sci-fi,
Country United States
Language: English
thx Hive
First of all, do it right CM8
Video: HDCAM Federation
Audio: Digital Audio Line (AAS THX)
For he looked for better quality video Federationsangat, almost like that of 10-rays,
do not cause motion, nullafocus, stsenisa perfect darkness, so that you shall be perfect, as it is in the camera can.
As stated qualitiespower perfectly to keep the brightness, contrast and RGB
Audio sync to me, all, to the 12h Wasntlucu Lipsync, 6:00 after brought near to death, but pushed to you in all things,
Josiah also removed all Lipsync 6 hours.
Russia and gradually move 23-30 employees varied supply of food in the body use a video with the guys PlzTHX constant bit rate
and of Maia is not of works, but by the way,
That dobreot habit retail
Oh before I forget the new address and a new work environment.
A man who can not get qualityitems I’m looking for a guy, full of HD DVD-R-DVD or optional camera OFC SCR, Inggerisaudio Online of the English, or at least by hqmic.
In which the production, but I do VULSub / * /
The old has passed and a new single paddies
Video: @bitrate 2000 2PASS 720×304
Book: AC3 Digital Audio Line
Example: enter
Full Name:
Format: AVI
Format / Info: Audio Interleave
dosierazmer: MiB
Duration: 1 hour 27mn
Upon gradual rate: 2266 Kbps
Writing application: Nandub
library writes Nandub building1853 / Release
I see
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Format profile Advanced / * /
beautiful setting, BVOP: 2
QPel format settings: Yes
Setting form, GMC: No warppoints
form settings, Matrix: Default ()
rejimMuxing: Packed Bitstream
Cod ID: Pro Quo
This cod / Poem: XviD
27mn 1 hour
Bit rate: 2000 Kbps
Width: 720 pixels
Height elements 304
1 pokazsaotnoshenie ::
Frame Rate: Yes
Color space, YUV
Chroma sampling: 4: 2: 0
Bit depth: 8 bits
Scan Type: Progressive
Bits / (Pixel * Frame)
Stream size: MiB (88%)
Bibliotheca scriptorum: Pro (UTC 2008-12-04)
ID: 1
Format: -III
Format / Info: Audio Coding 3
Respect to the way: 900 (the most perfect)
Setting endianness format: Magna
Cod ID: 2000
27mn 1 hour
Bit rate mode: Constant
Bit rate: 256 Kbps
The price (s) 2CH
kanalpozitsii: Front: l
sampling frequency: Eli
Bit depth: 16-bit
Compression mode: lossy
A stream size: 160 MB (11%)
The grace of the day and of the night, so that Split
interleave,time: 40 ms (video frame)
Interleave, the burden of the Duration: 500 MS