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AnonimoKs for the Firefox add-on that gives you quick access to anonymous surfing, at the click of boton.Se are concerned about online privacy, anonimoKs is a good choice. When enabled, will be able to choose a random IP, delete cookies and see your public IP, all with the aim of making lifeonline only slightly seguro.O problem with many Hiders IP and proxies that are complicated to mount and can seriously slow down. This is not the case with anonimoKs. Installs easily kaostandard Firefox add-on, and automaticallyallows the “identity” random. Clicking on the icon next anonimoKsadress bar, then you will be able to select the proper identity in the list provided, including the US, Europe and IPS asiaticos.anonimoKs goes a step further, and service asking him to delete cookies on exit Web site or change of identity, preventing the site recognize you. applicationalso allows you to switch between svojeSama services and Tor, and you can make that information in the background anonimoKs add-on bar, shows that identity online,and that IP is visible to the public. Clicking on this information will allow you to change lo.anonimoKs a little good service, althoughnot very flexible. Configuration options are pretty limited to what you see in the interface, but it does, of course, the service is very easy to use. Using the most identity takođeanonimoKs be very fast, but as always, some sites are slower than others, especiallyescolleEEUU.Se when looking for a casual and rare Hide IP using Firefox, anonimoKs Slobodan options. You can alwaysupgrade to a premium service, but if you are looking for something more detailed and / or anonymity power, we suggest that you find another lugar.Balde, anonymous casual anonimoKsis a great easy-to-use tool, Safari.

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