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Thanks to the angle of view of the Earth from the Google Earth satellite photos, aerial images and Street View gives you the combination. powerful search engine, andimages alarge amount of information available and its use is intuitive planetwe best way to live, but also the sky, the moon and even Mars.
Explore Google Earth munduaGoogle Earth 3D is a kind of interactive atlas. See what (almost) every corner of the world to see art. one of the largest cities, nazionalerakoparkeak, and also water, allwonders of the world is not enough for you, click kanpoan.Earth book, the Moon and Mars, and you can enjoy the pictures navigatebetweenstars. You will find through search engines Google Earth thelocation youre using any of the address, GPS coordinates for du.Google in many places in the Earth’s crust, such as borders, roads, 3D buildings, trees, pictures, and information about, among other things, offering; You will also be able to add contentGoogle Earth, such as pictures of placesyou lawatiizandut. Street View feature in Google Earth, Google Maps, available for free to wander around some cities integratzen.Ezaugarri not all of them, moreover, Google Earth will also have the option to create routes, measure distances, add bookmarks , save images, and also flew the aircraft with flight simulator will you.
bidaiatzekoGoogle your mouse Earth Navigation is very intuitive, and all you need ismouse or the buttons on the screen.You can zoom, rotate images, and facilitate travel inguruanEarth. View Street sebagaimenikmati virtual walk, dragging the little man in the street (blue screen), you can start over. The navigation is very good too; Marine easy as moving the mouse. engine and all the other options left, which can be made smaller to enjoy the views in this spectacular instrument daiteke.programa funtsezkotzatGoogle Earth to see the Earth and environment.GraphicsOur engine is impressive, just the information you can visit a large number bezalalekuak. danlapisan different texture recommended content is constantly updated. Google Earth will be an important program that you halfway around the world without leaving yourcouch it.
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